Getting testing of twisted-pair copper cabling correct is vital in ensuring a link will deliver data and PoE correctly.
The copper cabling plant usually has a long life within a building, unlike the active equipment that is regularly replaced or upgraded. That cabling is said to be permanent, but so many technicians still test incorrectly by using the wrong test methodologies.
In this short, live demonstration, we will show you how to correctly configure a DSX Series Cable Analyser® to perform a Permanent Link Test on Cat 6 or Cat 6A cabling.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Start Time:
9:00am : India (GMT +5.30)
11:30am : Singapore (GMT +8)
12:30pm : Korea (GMT +9)
1:30pm : Sydney (GMT +10)
3:30pm : New Zealand (GMT +12)
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