Settings for the rotary dial on the 660 tester and what they do

You use the rotary dial to select a mode of operation for the tester. This dial has six settings:
Turns off the tester.
Automatically runs three discrete single tests (LINE, FRAME RELAY, and AutoPING) consecutively. Use the Auto Test function to qualify the physical local loop and turn up and validate a new frame relay service.
Displays a menu of specialized tests that you can run one at a time to verify the performance of a link or troubleshoot a link that failed an Auto Test.
Puts the tester in monitor mode so that you can unobtrusively monitor a link without interrupting service. Also provides a function that can assist you with determining the correct committed information rate (CIR) for any active PVC, based on measured traffic volumes.
Displays setup parameters that you can use to configure the tester. Also provides a means for you to set pass/fail thresholds for the Single Tests.
Displays a list of test result reports that are saved in memory. You can print and delete these reports, and upload them to a PC. Also includes an Edit Report function that enables you to customize report headers with such information as a company name, user name, and location name.